Monday, January 15, 2018

New Semester Reflection

          "New Year, New Me," is what they say. With the arrival of a new year as well as a new semester, it seems as though we all get a fresh start; to me, however, it doesn't seem so simple. As this new semester has arrived, right now is the perfect time to reflect and change so we can all become "new" people. 
          From this past semester, there are a few changes and continuities that I could discuss. First and foremost, I certainly was forced to change my academic habits quite a bit. As the difficulty scaled up tremendously from Middle School, it was a change that took me more off-guard than it should have. I learned to study more thoroughly and to truly seek help when I needed it. One habit that I didn't change, however, is my procrastination addiction. I can't say I tried hard to fix it, and so it has stuck with me since Middle School. Even now, as I realize that I absolutely cannot continue doing it, I am struggling to motivate myself enough. While reflecting and moving on, I can definitely say that I have much higher self-expectations for this coming semester.
          New Year's resolutions aren't my thing at all, but I am able to see that some changes will need to take place. So, my goals for this semester are fairly simple and straightforward: a). Stop procrastinating. b). Keep grades at an A. c). Learn to study better. All of these things I know for sure I can do, so the issue is not whether or not I can do these things, but rather IF I will have the self-motivation and desire to do so. "New Year, [hopefully] New Me".


  1. These are really good goals, and some that I need to stick to as well. I like the theme of "hopefully new me" because we have to try, but we won't always succeed.

  2. Your goals are really good and thought out. I like how you mentioned your past semester and compared it to this upcoming semester!

  3. You have very thorough goals! The work load caught me off guard as well. We are almost done with freshman year!
