Monday, April 30, 2018

Strengths and Challenges

          Writing has always been a touchy topic for me. Sometimes I feel that writing is the most enjoyable part of my academic life, and that--if given the opportunities--could turn into a potential career choice. Other times, however, I remember why in my previous years I have despised writing. Forms of busy work and--in general--disinteresting topics (at least to me) can strongly turn me away. However, no matter the topic or subject, I know that I have to try my best because I know that writing is important, and I know that my writing will make my legacy for me.
          I am not going to further explain my opinions on my enjoyment of writing, however, but rather my opinions on the quality of my own writing. Looking back at the last few years of my life where I have started to write seriously and with more importance, I must reflect on my strengths as a writer, but also the challenges that I have faced and will continue to face as my academic writing career continues if I cannot improve my weakest skills. In general, I have always had a problem with unity. In fact, you can scroll down right now and read some of my older blogs and clearly see where I often stray from my topic. Acknowledging this, I always try to focus on every sentence and think of the next sentence strictly in regard to the overall goal of my piece: to answer my "prompt". Accompanied by various, smaller writing mistakes--like common punctuation or even spelling errors--I feel that this is the biggest challenge that I face as a writer. However, on a better note, I would humbly say that no matter what I'm writing or how well-developed it is, I can always find the right word choice. Often aided with a thesaurus, I can not only find quintessential words to use but more importantly, I find the words that fit my rhetorical situation almost perfectly most times. Although this is not is arguably not as important as unity in writing, I have at least this to feel confident about and drive me forward mentally as I continue to write seriously in the coming academic years.

1 comment:

  1. Writing is also a touchy topic for me. I sometimes fail to do certain things because I enjoy taking things a different way. I hope your writing stays good and keeps improving!
