Monday, April 30, 2018

Hits and Misses

          Over the course of this past school year, we have had multiple opportunities to express ourselves through words. As I write this now, I am making an example of how writing has allowed us to share with our peers and teachers what we know, think, and are interested in. As the school year comes to a close, I look back on what we have done this year and reflect on my experiences in various writing activities. I wrote some of my greatest pieces so far this year, but also I fell out of favor with some.
          Our introduction to this year was met with a fun, creative assignment: a zine. Never having done a zine before, I allotted some time to it on the weekend and worked no make a great first impression. Although it was most definitely not one of my best pieces of literature, I can say that I enjoyed the assignment more than a lot to come. Next, we made our blogs, which--almost 9 months later--I am still updating and writing on. Some of these blog posts I sincerely had a great experience writing, while others felt more like busy work rather than a platform to truly express ourselves. However, I can say that overall these blogs were not something that I can easily say poorly reflected my writing competency. The significant points in the year, however, were marked by our major papers. However, I will only mention one: my research paper. Although I felt my others were still decent, I feel that my research paper stands out as my most well-developed, written, and--coincidentally--longest piece of writing this year. As I spent multiple weeks in the process, it becomes clear why it is so, but never did I think in the beginning that it would become the epitome of my freshman year English experience. Through the various writing assignments and opportunities that we were given this year, I can say that while I had still "missed" some, I "hit" the ones that counted, and I won't forget them for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I like your details and description for what you can work on. I hope you get better and become a great writer!
