Friday, November 10, 2017

Symbolism Flash Fiction (#3)

          The wind picked up. Coffee-stained leaves blew past my hands. I felt like an old man. I watched the dazzling, bright sky with the intent to burn my eyes. The driver turned another corner; who was the driver again? Where are we going? The driver rolled up his window; I didn't. Turning my attention back to my window, the leaves that were spotted red and orange disappeared. The trees turned barren, the breeze became a flurry. I felt prickles on the tip of my nose and the insides of my fingers. The van seemed to move slower. It rained small pieces of ice with designs never seen before. I could no longer withstand the frozen wind. I slowly rolled up my misty window. As it fully shut, I felt my eyes darkening. The road ended in a tunnel. At the end, there was a bright light.
          The light was unbearable. I felt wet and putrid. Around me, dahlias and tulips bloomed. I found insects crawling up my tiny legs and hands; I forgot their names. Goliath trees stood tall and dignified above my spherical little head. Their bright leaves let in minimal sunlight. I wonder where it comes from? A furry little version of me with 4 legs passed by. I tried to name it, but only a babble of sounds came out and my mind couldn't quite make it out. I found two larger humans cradling me. I fell asleep once more.

P.S. The symbolism in this story is about the seasons and reincarnation. As the narrator progresses through fall and winter in his old state, he finally reaches "the light at the end of the tunnel" (AKA death). Then, he is reincarnated as a baby again in the spring.

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