Sunday, September 10, 2017

Dear 12-year old...

Dear 12-year old,
          Don't stress out. You are much younger than you think you are when it comes to issues about "life", and most definetly, school. I used to think too much about the future at your age. I used to worry that I would fail at everything and anything I would ever do, so I would need to try my hardest at whatever I do. Looking back at this, I do still think that trying your hardest at anything and everything is what it takes to be successful; however, never should you ever push yourself to the brink of collapse. Never allow yourself to be let down due to a mistake. Simply relaxing and moving forward while learning from those mistakes is the best thing you can do, because you will have to try even harder sooner than you might think.
          As long as you don't stress yourself out too much, then you can accomplish much more than you might think that you can. Despite this, you might still have regrets and be repulsed by your past. Don't be. Almost nothing that you have ever done at your age, or even mine, is going to seriously impact you in a life-changing way in the future. So don't regret whatever embarrassing thing you might have done in front of your classmates; don't think that your previous mistakes will lead you to further mistakes; and most importantly, don't stop moving forward, as looking back won't put you closer to your goal.


  1. I agree! You shouldn't be stressed out, and you should learn from past mistakes.

  2. I also wish I had this advice when I was twelve. Starting bad habits of stressing about everything is something hard to break. It is something I am working on right now!
