Sunday, August 20, 2017

My Introduction to This Course and Blogging

          English has, consistently, been one of my favorite courses. Although I am far from perfect in any particular topic that we may discuss and review in this class, I hope to improve my understanding of literature and grammar, as well as my fluency and literacy. The course so far has made an excellent impression on me, so I have high expectations for the course, and likewise conversely. I will be sure to push myself to my full potential in this course in order to meet my set goals for the semester and year, assuring that my aspirations meet the expectations of myself and others. In short, any obstacle that I will or may encounter in the course will be overcome.
          This blog is intended to help meet those aspirations and expectations so I will not allow myself to give anything less than what I know I can accomplish. I have not previously created a blog in a long time so I will have to get re-accustomed, but I am confident that I can consistently post high-quality entries each week to meet the assignment requirements. Although last year we completed "Writers' Notebook" entries, they were not nearly as frequent or challenging as a blog may be. Nevertheless, blogging is a unique type of writing in the way that it can be done in a multitude of ways. Blogs can be created formally or informally, allowing a space for any type of writing to succeed.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to see how energetic and prepared you are to start English this year. I believe you will give maximum effort and put forth excellent work.
